Bringing Water to the
People One Satisfied
Customer at a Time.

Agricultural & Commercial Water Well Drilling
At Highland Water Well Drilling, we serve Southwestern and Central Ontario for water well drilling for agricultural and commercial clients. Drilling is either done in overburden or bedrock. We do both types equally well.
Wells are cased with steel casing into the bedrock or down to the sand / gravel aquifer layer. The casing is then bentonite grouted back to the ground surface between the outside of the casing and the wall of the hole (annular space). This prevents surface water from entering into the well.
For more information about our water well drilling services, contact us today for to receive a quote.
As the population grows and the cities get larger the demand for clean potable water also rises. We have constructed many new municipal water wells that are still being used today. From design to construction we are able to give advice on location and drilling methods to get the best possible water source. We provide many different services to the commercial industry: municipal well construction, municipal pump and well testing, de-watering wells, alignment holes for tunnels, and other large diameter drilling.
Highland Water Well Drilling Inc has been serving the agricultural industry since its inception in 1983. If you are looking at expanding your farm operation and need more water or a larger pump, we are here to satisfy all of your well needs. We are able to troubleshoot and give advice as to where the next large aquifer is located.